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A public conversation with the Premier

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A public conversation with the Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh
You get this and the need for this in a society which has been affected by the prolonged covering up and the ongoing denial of any harm in a society which has been subjected to more than 40 years of covering of sexual and other abuses by the leading Christian church in this country and across the globe. You simply get the need for this sort of thing.

Day 1 Community Cabinet Meeting Highfields 26th April with the Minister for Police, the Police Commissioner and his assistants.
Day 2 Expecting a promised response from the Commissioner and the Minister - no response.
Day 3 Expecting a promised response from the Commissioner and the Minister - no response.
Day 4 Expecting a promised response from the Commissioner and the Minister - no response. Start of this project.
Initial mail to 20+ qld.gov email addresses including premier@ministerial.qld.gov.au
I am about to have one of those conversations I am not supposed to have with the Premier of Queensland whether she likes it or not.

Day by day until September 1 or she quits, joins with September 1 or puts forward a better plan of her own or in concert with other Governments across the country.

I just finished having that conversation with a Rabbi in new York - he no longer responds or finds himself unable to respond - there was no attack on him, there were options for support and questions asked of his"superior" understanding. I have had that conversation with a number of Catholic Bishops, Catholic priests, Catholic heads and workers of Justice and Community organisations due to their supposed "superior"knowledge and understanding. I have had that conversation with the Editor and reporters of newspapers around the country, as well I have had that conversation with Politicians of all parties. I previous had a conversation with Premier Beattie on this topic as I did with the soon to be no longer Premier Yemma, as I did with the standing Labor candidate - the solicitor Chris several elections ago and the Labor Human Rights candidate for Toowoomba South in the recent elections.

I have taken the liberty of BCCing interested people. Their interest lies in one common cause. The safety and the protection of their children from the effects of the more than 40 years of cover up of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic and other clergy. Others are added to those lists as they email in their interest in their own Human Rights and the Human Rights of their own and others children. I have no doubt that you will be made aware of this email as that is something I assure you of my success in as I am asking them here to forward this email to you at premier@ministerial.qld.gov.au and to forward on to others in the community who are simply fed up to the hilt with the dysfunctionality of the Catholic church and the horrors it bring into our society.

At some point I do hope that you will respect the human dignity of those people as well as providing me the human experience of acknowledgment.

The statement "You get that" or similar can be taken for: You get that as a result of the prolonged covering up of the sexual abuse of children by a Catholic clergy who has had unfettered access and unfettered input into our society during that period whose primary purpose has been the covering up of the sexual and other abuses carried out by its clergy.

The statement "If you planned to fail". Is used to indicate that this type of social structure will become evident and in some cases prominent if you were to plan to fail.

The statement "If you planned to fail, your planning is and has been affected by the covering up of the sexual abuse of children by the leading Christian church in this world".



September 1, 2009



Some initial rough notes for topics

The Premier and her responsibility to the people of Queensland and the people of Australia

The Minister for Police and his responsibility to the people of Queensland and the people of Australia

The Commissioner for Police and his responsibility to the people of Queensland and the people of Australia

If you were to plan to fail you would implement the current response.

As a result of more than 40 years of the cover up of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy you would expect to get :

Statute of limitations which defy logic, human psychology, an understanding of present research and the teachings of Christianity

Repressed memories issues where 1.4% of cases have doubt. Where 80+% of bishops and priests deposed in regards the sexual abuse cover up have memory issues.

My Police record -- oozes like puss the clergy sexual abuse issue and I am not a Catholic - I gave that up as a child. Unfortunately the Catholic continues to count myself and countless others as a part of its faithful after all it needs the best figures it can get.

The greatest danger for reporting victims comes from police and clergy - you get that sort of thing - you would expect to get that sort of thing

QLD Health - need one say more - you get that sort of thing in a cover up

Other social services - Carelink - a pox in the way of genuine healing

Do you have a better solution which does not involve silence, discrimination, human rights abuses and on? Do you have a better solution?

Trying hard not to see

The cover up of sexual abuse - there is no problem so there is no need for a policy or a plan. You get that sort of denial when you are involved in a cover up of this type.

Stranger danger where approx 10% of assaults come from strangers, 40 to 60% of assaults from those close to the victims. You would get a stranger danger program if you planned to fail or your society was affected by the clergy abuse cover up.

Psychology services v psychiatry The weird and deranged appear to be in charge - you get that sort of thing

What causes a Pope to apologise - you get that sort of thing when his priests and followers have slaughtered and abused so many that it has become impossible to hide any longer

How does a Pope apologise for the deaths of up to 50,000 children - you just got that sort of thing in Canada - ???  Ireland

The need for the isolation of leaders from victims, their stories and the facts of their lives - you guessed it - you get that sort of problem in this type of circumstance

Democracy at work - unlikely - unlikely anywhere when you get that sort of thing happening

Human Rights and Australia's role in that - what a sad sad history we have in that and what a disgust those who fought and died must feel to see this society subjected to the freewheeling rape of their children by uncontrolled clergy

Justice - restorative Justice - you do not get that sort of thing

What is happening overseas

On Catholic numbers - you get some weird numbers that simply do not add up - you get that sort of thing

The plan to fail - thats the worst sort of thing you can get and we have it in spades. There is a perceived need for either the Church to maintain its current status and place in its current manner or there is a need to ensure the plan to fail for the rest of society succeeds. We can have a self managed secular society or we can have a dysfunctional church in full blown denial over the atrocities its clergy have committed set the agendas for the rest of society.

Like to ask your Police Commissioner assistant. How with the use of rational thought and your years of experience as a police officer do you come to the conclusion that the sexual abuse of children should be a matter I should take up with the Catholic church? The rest of us feel that the sexual abuse of children is a matter for the Police of this state. They do not believe it is the role of the Commissioner or of his assistant or of other police to put the responsibility of dealing with their abuser and the right to seek justice back onto the victim or to sidestep their responsibility by simply stating that "this is a matter for the Catholic church". You get that sort of failure in a society which is embroiled to the hilt in the covering up of the sexual abuse of children by the leading Christian church in this country.

The unemployment que - throw up

Like to ask your Police Commissioner. Is the Commissioner taking into account the "silence" factor when he proffers his words of suitable completion of the task. How does the sleuth in the Commissioner and all the resources and data which are available to him compare the situation in Australia with the following list of countries, States or Diocese. Melbourne, Maitland, Toowoomba, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada,  Belgium, Scotland, Costa Rica, The Phillipines, the United States of America, Alaska, British Columbia, Mexico to name the obvious only. Quite frankly it is my opinion that the Commissioner does not know which way is up in more than 3 of these countries and then I believe his knowledge could be extended greatly. The Police Commissioner of Queensland after more than 40 years of the covering up of the sexual abuse of children and his Minister were not aware of the single most significant document in regards the sexual abuse of children by the Catholic church in its history simply beggars belief and is a real cause for concern from those of us who simply expect the best possible protection for our children in the light of the horrors these crimes bring. Is that called a finger on the pulse or is called blindness and ignorance or denial or even a failure, perhaps we could just say you get that in this type of situation. Your Commissioner went further and despite the gravity and the meaning in the words he had just read he simply successfully fulfilled a number of those things pointed out as being utilised and deployed as a part of the covering up. Perhaps the Commissioner would care to look at it from a family perspective in the light of that, he could look at it from a law enforcement perspective or even from one of Human Rights and he would have given a different response. It is obvious that the Commissioner is unaware of current profiling methodologies else he would not have left himself so open to observation and subsequent criticism of his support of all the good work done thus far. The Commissioner has often been cited for doing his little bit and yes if you were to plan to fail you would only do those little bits which have been done - that seemingly begrudgingly. It simply is out of the scope of the Commissioners ability to conceive of a big bit let alone what an equitable solution may look like. The Commissioner and his assistant appear to be amongst the few individuals which support the current response of the Catholic church to a global crisis. A global crisis in regards sexual abuse and your Commissioner simply does not appear to recognise or acknowledge the existence of this issue as a crisis let alone its global scope. With that as a starting point for his cogitations on the matter it would not require rocket science to determine that the conclusions arrived at could only be described as delusional. Much more can be said in regards the Commissioners profile.
Just the headlines - you get that - you get that sort of thing as a result of the covering up. A simple exercise for an alert Commissioners assistant would be to utilise the Internet to ascertain the pulse of other countries in regards this issue. As well he would be able to be up to date with what is ocurring in regards the sexual abuse crisis. He could take a modernistic approach rather than one bound up in a 25+ year old philosophy and program which has been abandoned years ago by the vast majority of its users - none of which have had the audacity to attempt to rewrite such an antique. Instead he could use Google labs new news tool and search for the words clergy abuse - give himself a tick on each day in the past 5 years where there is no horror story of the sexual abuse of children by clergy. The Commissioners assistant may be gobsmacked by the openness found in online news from other parts of the world. Does the Commissioners assistant understand that it is impractical, ill-logical and entirely inappropriate to attempt to address the issue of sexual abuse in the community without addressing the issue of sexual abuse by clergy. Does the Commissioners assistant understand that I was talking about sexual abuse. Sexual abuse perpertrated by clergy but sexual abuse none the less. How does the Commissioners assistant determine that to be a matter for the Catholic church? Is sexual abuse a crime? Why must sexual abuse when carried out by clergy become a matter for a church? Surely sexual abuse is a crime regardless of who carries it out and should be policed in that way else it would become necessary to point out to him that to treat it in any other manner is to discriminate. With the Catholic church making the statement that the incidence of pedophilia found within the church is no different than that found in the rest of the community. What are the figures when English speaking countries numbers are calculated? Does the Canadian Truth Commission use the word "genocide" in its title or in the body of its report? Profiling: Which Bishop is calling for a "War" on non-believers and non-adherrants to his faith? Which Bishop is calling for public disobedience because he does not approve of the elected government? Which Bishop had repeated memory lapses when deposed in regards the sexual abuse of children and the moving of known pedophile priests? Which capital city diocese in Australia has more than 6 credibly accused priests still "practicing" within the community in the full knowledge of their Bishop? Explain your understanding of the feeling associated with a child coming to the understanding theat they have been abandoned by their God, abandoned by the law with no remedy. Explain your understanding of what that must feel like when that abandonment extends for the rest of your life. Explain your understanding of what that is like when that denial of justice is all-pervasive including the Commissioner of Police and his assistant? What was relevant about June 2008? Who is Stephen Harper? Profiling comments have been held aside.
It is not rocket science, however you get that sort of thing as a result of this type of covering up

How many others like me have experienced sexual abuse by clergy and been failed by both church and government? How many have experienced sexual abuse by non-clergy and have been failed by church and government? - if you asked there would be many hands raised - we know of 2.7 million who may have been affected whether they choose or are able to acknowledge that themselves.

Pick a block of flats.

The real horror of the s a b c only comes after one survives to a certain degree - that is when they realise that their government and their commissioners have been and continue to be affected.

In ability to test services bydesignating outcome

Become someone to be afraid of as you would expect

The very notions of the needs required for proper healing become unobtainable as it would

They no longer burn people at the stake - today they brand them mentally unstable, of unsound mind - the louder the shouts of stop the worse the mental disorder becomes - thats why Premier you can have up to 60% of people in mental health facilities which do not belong there - you only get that if you plan to fail or if your society has been adversly affected as a result of the prolonged cover up of the sexual abuse of children by clergy. Thatis how many good catholics and many well meaning people are employed in the cover up of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy.

60% whose human rights have been ground into the dirt of the sexual abuse cover up and no halt is called.

An assessment of your mental health facilities indicates that psychiactric illness is the result of being sexually abused. How quaint a notion but you would get that if you planned to fail or if your society has been adversly affected as a result of the prolonged cover up of the sexual abuse of children by clergy. Thatis how many good catholics and many well meaning people are employed in the cover up of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy.

It is well understood that proper support and psychological counseling is the correct and most appropriate means of assisting victims of sexual abuse - why then has governments only recently made these services available under our Health plan. Why are many other specialist counsellors excluded from this program - you would only get that if you planned to fail.

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It has been an honor and a privilege to provide more than 20 years of availability to those who seek further information on the reality of the global clergy abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic and other religions.

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Check out our molestedcatholic.com history here

Look for these other respected FAQyMe Gene-affiliated, secular social-inclusion sites

Clergy Abuse Action - repurposed || Molested Catholics by the Million || Captain Obvious - My Broken Society || A first in Secular Australia for Children - It's not Rocket Science || The Blue Print - It's OH so Obvious - repurposed || The GCAC - The Global Clergy Abuse Crisis - repurposed || TFYQA Think for Yourself, Question Authority || XT3 Molested Catholic courtesy of George Pell and babbling Benny || Defending the Human Rights of Catholic Adults and Children Trauma in Religion || The FAQyMe Gene - The FAQ Why Me Gene blog

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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A lack of denial is a terrifying thing to encounter by those still immersed in hiding from their own failings.

  trauma informed    human rights    justice    failed institutions    UN Convention on Human Rights    Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia    future    evidence    resilience    not providing or representing a secular Australia    autodidact  

Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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